Hacking Routers and finding their location

Hacking Routers and finding their location

Disclaimer: Everything on this site is for educational purposes and should not be used for evil.


2. Find IP ranges of places using this website: https://4it.me/getlistip (You have to enter the city name in Russian)
3. Enter the ranges into the program
4. Press Start
5. Wait. All good results will be in the tab Good results.
6. Log into the router and find the mac address of it.
7. Go to this site: http://mobile.maps.yandex.net/cellid_location/?clid=1866854&lac=-1&cellid=-1&operatorid=null&countrycode=null&signalstrength=-1&wifinetworks=[mac without columns]:-65&app=ymetro
replacing [mac without columns] with the mac of the router, without columns. For example: f07d685b27d8
8. Put the coordinates into google maps and you found the location!
